
203 329-1500

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203 329-1500

South Carolina



(203) 661-8122

William Trebing, DC on Spinal Resonance© – Pt 2

William Trebing, DC on Spinal Resonance© – Pt 2

It has already been proven by standardized physical science that energy precedes form; the opposite is never true. Energy can be thought of as a far less condensed form of matter. Physical material, which includes all the atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues and organ systems that comprise our physical bodies, is the most condensed form of matter we are aware of in this dimension of physical reality we call, space/time; and all of the physical matter you see around your life, from your big toe to the sock covering it, as well as the gas pedal of the car you are pressing down to move on the road you are traveling; all of these seemingly “real” things are nothing more than a condensed precipitation of some lighter, more dispersed form of energetic matter. We usually refer to this lighter energetic matter as thought.

There are many states of energetic matter to consider, but for the purposes of this work as it applies to creating a greater quality of life for YOU, let us simply consider the energetic matter you are most familiar with; i.e., your energetic radiation which is produced by your ongoing thoughts and emotions.

Once you have truly mastered your thoughts and emotions, you have mastered life on this physical plane of existence within space/time. You have heard this said before in many venues and in many different ways, but the basics of how you are the architect of your reality always remains the master key formula for success in your physical life, if only you would take the time to control what you think and feel. We are Human Beings and not Vulcans, thusly, thought and emotion are always coupled together as a powerful energetic resonance for us. They are very rarely separate.

Believe it or not, there was a time you existed out of this physical space-time reality, much as you are existing right now but without the confines of a physical body-suit. You realized then from immediate experience that everything you thought or felt very quickly became your reality. You also realized that you are not as in control of this creation process as you may like to be, so you contemplated how nice it would be if only you could slow the process down a bit to have more time to make corrections, before the creation of your resonance manifested. This wish then came true, and you created a physical birth for the advancement of your soul,…..yet one more time.

In this physical reality, you have the time and space to make mistakes, get angry and stupid, fly through addictions and passions, and steer yourself practically off a cliff. You then have the opportunity to learn from these mishaps, and choose something very different from what you now realize does not work, or serve your greater good. Living as well in this very condensed physical space/time existence, you have the time to correct your thoughts and feelings before they produce drastically negative results. Quite often, you do not have this luxury of energetic patience without a physical body. So you live your physical life, and make all the corrections you are willing or able to make depending on your level of spiritual development (aka energetic awareness). Now your soul, energetic being or what some institutions like to call your astral or dream body, has evolved proportionally to the control you have learned to exercise, and you “die” off from this space/time physical reality with more skills for your less condensed, astral body life. You have advanced your journey through this vast and amazing universe, which expresses itself as infinite forms, but in essence always distills down at every turn and corner to the resonance of pure love. When you are feeling the essence of pure love in every moment of your existence, your journey is complete.

Main Location


25 Lewis St,
Greenwich, CT 06830


203 329-1500

Office Hours


9:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

