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William Trebing, DC on Spinal Resonance© – Pt 3

William Trebing, DC on Spinal Resonance© – Pt 3

Now that we have covered these basics of energetic resonance, you will have a clearer idea of how the SRC protocol operates to help clear your nervous system of heavy, tight and more condensed resonances that are slowing down your energetic evolution. These more “negative” resonances as they are so commonly called here, are experienced over time as heavy constrictions to your energy flow by primarily effecting what is known as the spinal menenges.

Chiropractic is all about specifically removing blocks to your nerve energy caused by vertebral subluxations. There are many Chiropractic techniques which approach this phenomena from varying angles, and the fact that Chiropractic is the largest “alternative” form of health care in the world speaks to the success of these techniques. If you do care for more structural types of adjustments, there are many light touch venues to choose from which create success, and success in Chiropractic is always a measure of how good the person feels after commencing treatment. Since it’s inception in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer and his son, Bartlett Joshua Palmer, Chiropractic has succeeded to great popularity, despite intense efforts to remove it from the face of the planet by the established medical cartel (or medical mafia). Through the years, doctors of Chiropractic have endured incarceration, ridicule, defamation of character, destruction of property and even bodily harm, all to promote the essential message of Chiropractic; that the body needs no help to heal and maintain itself, just no interference; and Chiropractors in general have proved this point time and time again ad-nauseum with people from all walks of life, troubled with all forms of disease and otherwise categorized medical diagnosis. According to basic Chiropractic philosophy, there is only one dis-ease, and this is whatever has caused the vital life force to be shut down or altered in some way, creating dysfunction in one’s life.

SRC involves a complex, advanced formula for removing these vertebral subluxations, not only from the physical level, but from the energetic or astral levels as well. Recognizing all we have just written about energy or resonance preceding form, it follows suit that the SRC protocol follows a method of removing aberrant resonances from one’s energy flow, and this is completed by contacting the spinal tissues in an energetic or resonant way. Obviously, the practitioner of SRC does not have to physically cut into the body or offer systemic altering chemicals, such as drugs, to achieve this goal. She has learned the light touch methods emanating from her fingertips, which enable her to detect heavier, aberrant resonances throughout the spinal menengial system. He as well as a practitioner of SRC, has experienced the method by which simultaneous focus on the pure life force, which emanates from any ill affected (subluxated) area, has the natural healing power to quite effectively lift these heavier, binding resonances out of the person’s energetic being. Doing so becomes its own testimonial.

William Trebing, DC’s private office research over the past 22 years of developing SRC, concluded that 80% of people will experience some form of palpable, kinesthetic release on the very first session. Another 10% may need 6 sessions to feel this release, and approximately 10% feel nothing at all, and do not find the work useful. However, knowing how the law of attraction operates, by virtue of the fact that you have read this far in interest, these concepts have attracted you. With all certainty, no one reading this far into the text falls into that final 10%.

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