Good-Bye Germ Theory, Chapter 1, Part 8

Are we educating children who will one day lead us and recreate government, education and society to preserve our life, liberties and freedoms so the pursuit of happiness may flourish? Or are we creating a generation that will passively watch the freedoms that were so valiantly fought for slip away in front of their TVs?

The rot is from within. As Pogo said: “We have met the enemy and they is us.”

What can we do? We must educate our children and ourselves to see below the thin veneer of the “accepted ways”, to the conflicting science, philosophies and ideals that helped create and re-create our civilization. To touch the inspiration from which our ideals derive, to understand our roots.

Without periodically dipping into that well-spring of thought our world will become stagnant and the rot will spread; our children will not understand the philosophies and struggles that brought us to our present state of life, freedom and liberty. They will not be able to recognize threats to our life, freedom and liberty.

As we explore our roots, we may discover that some of the generally accepted ways of doing things exist because of political power and the stifling of debate, and they should be changed. We will surely discover that many of yesterday’s norms must continue to be cherished and protected.

END Chapter 1 – Part 8

Copyright © 2006
By Dr. William P. Trebing.
ISBN : 1-4134-5440-2

Available on Amazon

Available on Barnes & Noble

Good-Bye Germ Theory, Chapter 1, Part 7

Rome, and nearly every great civilization has fallen more from within than from without; the rot had been spreading long before the enemy arrived at the gates. The Romans themselves had lost their ideals and had become barbarians in their own way.

The barbarians threaten us today. Yet today’s barbarians are not wild looking hairy conquerors lurking just outside our borders, ready to sack our cities, carry citizens off into slavery and burden us with heavy tribute.

Today’s barbarians live amongst us, dress like us and use our language. Yet they poison our minds with junk science and damage our society with unconstitutional laws. They are a meddling bureaucracy, which includes government officials who believe they can and should, regulate any area of our lives they wish.

They are private agencies and special interest groups who push for laws and regulations to control others. They have forgotten the ideals of separation of power, rule of law, the sacredness of one’s being, property and personal beliefs—the ideals upon which civil society rest.

Many of today’s barbarians are the product of a school system whose purpose is to create conforming and socialization rather than inspire learning, creativity and education. How could a state employed teacher, certified by the state, using state approved texts, teaching state approved subjects, following a state approved syllabus teach students to become independent thinking citizens to question the status quo? These teachers are the product of the same “educational” system. Barbarians teaching our children to become barbarians.

Perhaps barbarian is not the right word. These are weak people we’re creating—followers who go along to get along and do not know how to think for themselves, question and speak up.

END Chapter 1 – Part 7

Copyright © 2006
By Dr. William P. Trebing.
ISBN : 1-4134-5440-2

Available on Amazon

Available on Barnes & Noble

Good-Bye Germ Theory, Chapter 1, Part 6

Giving a ten-pound infant a single vaccine in a day is the equivalent of giving a 100 pound adult 40 vaccines in a day.

Considering the above information, medical doctors insist on injecting 45 vaccines directly into your child’s blood stream by age 6 months; 64 by age 18 months; and 74 by age 6.

The CDC has an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, called the ACIP. This committee advises lawmakers as to which vaccines should be mandated. The ACIP is riddled with conflicts of interest, since committee members own patents for vaccines and stock in the pharmaceutical companies which make the vaccines.

Americans are amongst the most vaccinated people in the history of the planet, and are also amongst the sickest in it’s history. Half of all Americans suffer with at least one chronic disease, and one fifth have 2 or more. These chronic diseases cause 70% of all American deaths.

When conflicts of interest and selfishness predominate we get intolerance, bad laws, innumerable edicts (regulations), confiscatory taxation, poor education, a powerful bureaucracy before which the people cringe, and a corrupt, overbearing government which creates a distrust of our institutions and decay of our culture. “When the people are strong the government is weak and when the government is strong the people are weak” is a wise Chinese saying.

END Chapter 1 – Part 6

Copyright © 2006
By Dr. William P. Trebing.
ISBN : 1-4134-5440-2

Available on Amazon

Available on Barnes & Noble

Good-Bye Germ Theory, Chapter 1, Part 5

Encephalitis (brain damage due to swelling of brain tissue) is an almost given side effect to vaccine toxins according to most research studies on vaccine damages! 15 to 20% of American school children are considered to be learning disabled with brain damage dysfunction directly caused by vaccines.

Your government pays out tens of thousands of tax dollars each year to cover vaccination damage claims.

Unvaccinated populations are far healthier than vaccinated ones’, however no medical or government organization wishes to study them.

Your child is 94 times more likely to die from a whooping cough vaccine than from the actual whooping cough, and nearly 4,000 times more likely of acquiring long-term damage from the vaccine than from developing the disease.

The CDC is aware that Thimerosal ( mercury preservative in vaccines ) is linked to Autism by virtue of their own private research. However they refuse to provide the raw data from these studies, as requested by congressman Dan Burton ( R-Indiana), to be used for an independent review by a third party research organization.

END Chapter 1 – Part 5

Copyright © 2006
By Dr. William P. Trebing.
ISBN : 1-4134-5440-2

Available on Amazon

Available on Barnes & Noble

Good-Bye Germ Theory, Chapter 1, Part 4

Most vaccination laws are completely unconstitutional, and have no relevance to today’s world. Local Health Departments promote most vaccination programs to acquire Federal Aid and Grant money at the expense of America’s children.

Everyone who wishes can enter a courtroom Pro Se, or Sui Juris, without the high cost of a lawyer, and WIN! You do not have to be vaccinated, or have your children vaccinated against your will. Taking the proper time with important sovereignty foundation paperwork, filed with your town clerks office, can also help protect you and your family, while avoiding courts, judges and lawyers all together.

The FDA has reported that doctors under-report vaccine reactions by 90%.

In any given population, the majority of people who become ill are those who are vaccinated.

Unvaccinated populations can be proven scientifically and otherwise far healthier than vaccinated ones.

END Chapter 1 – Part 4

Copyright © 2006
By Dr. William P. Trebing.
ISBN : 1-4134-5440-2

Available on Amazon

Available on Barnes & Noble