A Recipe For Moving From Fear To Love

With any given situation, figure out where you are on this emotional scale:

  • Complete Love for the process of your life
  • Knowing with confidence that Universal Law will provide in all venues
  • Faithful and believing more in Universal Law
  • Hopeful and seeking to feel better
  • Overwhelmed and exhausted
  • Frustrated
  • Angry
  • Revenge seeking and resentful
  • Fearful or depressed but refusing medication
  • Depressed, possibly medicated
  • Totally fearful, powerless, possibly medicated as a result

You can contemplate where you are for any given issue on this scale, but it is far more important to figure out where the sum average of your daily emotional output places you. On which level do you vibrate most of the day? What is the sum average of all your daily vibrational output? This contemplation brings you to the initial understanding of how the people and circumstances in your life came to be the way they presently are through the Law of Attraction.

Dr Trebing says that since most people cannot make that quantum leap from fear to love, just figure out where you are on the scale, even if you are in-between two levels, and do your best to find a higher vibrational thought that yields a higher vibrational feeling, however subtle, to bring you to the next level up. You will not have to struggle to maintain this way of thinking, as holding a higher vibrational thought for a short period of time will yield more thoughts of a like nature. Just let go of the bad feelings, no matter how attached you may have been to them in the past. You will notice that in a short period of time, solutions will pop up that you may not have considered before from your lower vibrational stance. You will attract higher vibrational like-minded people now who will bring you more ideas for solution, and this process will continue until you have acquired the perfect end result.

Raising The Vibration Of Your Resonant Tone, One Step At A Time

Changing the vibrational nature of your thoughts and emotions is not as difficult as you may imagine. It becomes easier the more you practice, and you want to practice more and more because the positive effects on how you feel are instantaneous. With any given situation in life, simply ask yourself, “does this way of thinking make me feel good right now, or worse?” Then shift your attention to the better feeling thought. It really is that simple.

Dr. William Trebing says it only becomes complicated, and herein lies the key, when you are addicted to persistent negative patterns that have arisen from your persistent negative thoughts and beliefs. In a way, being addicted to negative patterns of thought and belief in your life is a bit like having a love affair with disaster. It is not that you are unable to shift your focus to something more positive or productive; you are simply unwilling to do so out of habit. This unwillingness emanates from negative portions of your Resonant Tone that you have been unwilling to shift, most likely because diving into them may involve opening a Pandora’s Box of vulnerability and uncertainty. Your façade feels so much safer, but at the same time it enslaves you in a low vibrational existence.

When considering the dozens of emotional classifications your body and mind usually brood over, begin with the understanding that this entire spectrum can be narrowed down into two categories: Fear and Love. Taking this one step further, fear is merely the temporary absence of love, which is your vibrational milieu and true home. But the collective mind of humanity loves to complicate the issue into an array of sub-categories, so for most people who are just beginning this process, the jump from fear to love is too wide a chasm.

Your Resonant Tone Determines The Conditions Of Your Birth

According to William Trebing, DC, when you begin a round of physical existence on this Earth, you are born with a certain Resonant Tone which is the actual driving force propelling you into this realm of existence from a more subtle, energetic or astral existence. When considering the Resonant Tone, the process of “rebirth” can be understood not as religion, but as science. Without getting too much into the science of reincarnation, simply understand that you are both an energetic being and a physical being right now, and when you lose this physical body, you will once again be solely an energetic being. Your Resonant Tone has been developing, and evolving to higher vibrations, over thousands of years with concern to continuing physical Earthly lives.

Dr. Trebing says your Resonant Tone is as eternal as your soul, and for all intents and purposes is your soul, which is propelled once again into this physical life-school to expand, learning how to become more and thus evolve to higher states of vibrational existence. The experiences you were born into match the frequencies of your Resonant Tone with the precision of Universal Law. After a rest in the astral (energetic) realm, the densities of your Resonant Tone eventually pull you back into the physical Earth realm, so you may once again evolve. When you “die” from the physical world you are once again born back into the astral realm, each time with more experience and a higher vibrational tone.

After a rest in the astral realm, the densities of our lower vibrational “issues” propel us back into physical existence, so they too may be healed through the experiences of this space/time reality. Physical existence is a perfect school-house for vibrational learning, since although our vibrations of thought and feeling still create our reality, the process of creation moves much slower on the physical Earth than when we are solely in astral existence. Therefore, we have time and a comfort zone enabling us to correct ourselves by making the appropriate changes to what we think and feel. To raise our Resonant Tone and thus evolve, is the only reason for reincarnation. Evolution can also occur in astral existence, but we experience the fruits of our thought far more instantaneously, and thus do not have as much opportunity for correction and reposition. This is why all the sages of this planet have always taught the value and opportunities of a physical Earthly life.

What is your Resonant Tone?

The Resonant Tone, when considering this work we call Spinal Resonance© Chiropractic, deals with the primary resonance, or energetic tone, you emanate out into the universal resonant milieu of life. Picture yourself as a magnet, vibrating at a certain frequency as you walk through a specialized kind of universal store. From this store, it is only possible to acquire the items that are a match to your particular vibration, or resonant tone. These items include an infinite level of relationship with co-workers, lovers, parents, children; all the people you cross paths with in your physical life, and the varying circumstances in which you interact with them. The only way to change the circumstances of your life, be it physical or astral (vibrational) in all aspects, is to change your Resonant Tone. There are no exceptions because this is universal law.

The Resonant Tone is an averaging of everything you vibrate out, into one master song for the world to feel. In other words, your Resonant Tone is the collection of everything you feel; averaged into a single vibrational emanation from your body, out into the world around you.

According to William Trebing, DC, everyone and everything has a Resonant Tone. Essentially, it is what something feels like, not in a physical tactile sense, but in what might be called a more esoteric, sense of the heart. Simply by thinking about, or coming into proximity with someone or something, many people have an immediate “sensing” that speaks louder than words. Often this sense may be unspoken or unconscious, but in all cases it dictates how we react and deal with the people or things we perceive. Developing an understanding of your Resonant Tone is fundamental to a happy life, especially when considering how important it is to raise the vibration of your Resonant Tone to yield a greater level of prosperity, which includes vibrant health.

There are very complicated issues and experiences from many aspects of your life which have formed some of the core vibrations which comprise your Resonant Tone, and then there are more common and simple everyday experiences which also add to your Resonant Tone. But it is good to remember that your Resonant Tone is precisely what your soul, or astral being, feels like. It is the “vibe” you project out into the world which people feel upon meeting you.

It can also be thought of as the feel, or resonance of your collective unconscious mind. Your Resonant Tone is the truth about who you are in this moment, despite all efforts you may place forward as your game face to the outside world in pretense. You cannot hide from what you truly feel inside, and you cannot for long pretend to be someone in the physical world that is in conflict with your Resonant Tone without creating disease. As well, all pretenses you may offer to people who are sensitive to your Resonant Tone will only be met with suspicion and mistrust. No matter what, you can’t hide from your vibe!

Lightening Up Your Resonant Tone

As you act to think higher vibrational thoughts and feel higher vibrational emotions, structural faults within the spine self-correct, old continuous patterns of dysfunction leave, and true healing occurs from the only true healer present in our reality, the Universal Resonant Tone, which is the Resonant Tone of pure unadulterated love. The moment you begin to shift your awareness to more positive thoughts and emotions that make you feel better, give you more hope and raise your energy level, you gain more access to this Universal flow of all powerful love. There is nothing more powerful than this Universal force, which is the essence of all life and matter we experience. Once your Resonant Tone has shifted, you will be able to maintain this shift by choosing more effective and harmonious ways of thinking and processing your emotion.

All thinking and emotion has the effect of a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. The more momentum it acquires, the larger and more powerful it becomes. Thoughts that make you feel good attract more thoughts and like minded people that make you feel good. Thoughts that make you feel bad attract more thoughts and like minded people that make you feel worse. It has been said that the worse it gets, the worse it gets. This is the flawless Law of Attraction in action. You need to shift this phenomena immediately to emanate higher vibrational thoughts, so things begin to feel better for you; and then the better it gets, the better it will get. In this you can have absolute faith.